Legume Extension, Management and Production Enhancement Project
Legume Extension, Management and Production Enhancement Project
Name of the Project: Extension, Management and Production of Leguminous Crops Project
Project Director: Mr. Farooq Ahmed, Mobile Number: 01712917262
Total Estimated Project Cost (Rs. Lakh) & Duration: (April/19-December 2024), Approved, GoB
Objectives: 1) To increase agricultural production and productivity by intensifying the cultivation of citrus fruits in the project area and increasing the yield by about 10-15%, 2) To save about 400 crores of foreign exchange through the production of additional 40,000 MT of malta and oranges in the project area. 3) 25% outside the project area through production and management of malta and other leguminous fruits in the project area.Encouraging the farmers, 4) Establishing citrus fruit nurseries in 20 government nurseries in the project area and increasing the efficiency of seedling production by about 25%, 5) Increasing the income of the demonstration farmers especially women farmers by 10% and unemployment by 8-10% in the project area. Eliminate, 6) Increase yield by 15-20% through management of 5000 old orchards established under Citrus Development and Orange Development Scheme.
Activities: Single/mixed exhibition of 54,100 citrus crops (Malta, orange, lemon and lime), maintenance of 5000 old citrus orchards, 20 nursery management, seedling production and development, 20 batch officers, 100 batch SAAOs and 1970 batch farmers. Training, 246 induction trips and 615 field days, 3 national and 35 regional workshops.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS