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Horticulture Centre, Natore sells horticultural crops like flowers, fruits, vegetables, herbs, ornamentals and spices seedlings/cuttings at affordable rates fixed by the government.
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নোটিশ বোর্ড/খবর মেন্যুতেঃ চারা/কলম প্রাপ্তির তথ্য ও চারা/কলমের মুল্য তালিকা: (অর্থ বছর ২০২৪-২০২৫) আপলোড করা হয়েছে।

Cashew Nut and Coffee Research, Development and Extension Project”
To increase production by 50% and to increase production area from 2000 hectares to 6000 hectares through development and expansion of cashew nut and coffee cultivars and management technologies, 2. Besides meeting the country's demand for produced cashew nuts and coffee, increasing foreign earnings through exports abroad,3. Skill development of farmers in the project area (49500 farmers/farmers), creation of employment opportunities, poverty alleviation and supporting nutrition development, 4. Processing, conservation and marketing of cashew nuts and coffee produced by small capital interested and pioneer farmers utilizing fallow land in hilly areas.